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The medical student represents your interests!

The Medical Student is the national and independent representative of medical students. It was founded in 1996 under the name 'KNMG Student Platform', as an independent and national consultative body of the KNMG. Since January 2015, The Medicine Student has been one of the eight federation partners of the KNMG, and De Medicine Student has also been an independent association since March 2015. As a member  of The Medicine Student, you will be represented – together with more than 17,000 other members – by The Medicine Student. Not a member yet? Click  here !

What does the medical student want?

The main goal of De Medicine Student is to promote the interests of medical students throughout the Netherlands. That sounds nice, but what does that actually mean?

2018 promises to be an eventful year. With the introduction of the  study advance, medical students are deteriorating rapidly. Disproportionately hard, compared to other students. The medical student therefore argues for a  internship compensation  for the internships. Advocacy of medical students is of crucial importance in this political discussion.  In addition, DG stands up for medical students when it comes to topics such as the  dedicated transition year ,  sexual harassment ,  burnout  and  education in physical examination .  The aim of The Medicine Student is to represent your interests in these and other areas as well as possible and to keep you informed of news and progress. This is done, for example, via articles in Arts in Spe, newsletters, the  website  and of course via  Twitter  and  facebook .


Every year, all members of The Medicine Student are given the opportunity to give their opinion on a number of topics that De Medicine Student is currently working on. By completing the annual survey, which you will find in your inbox at the end of November, you give your opinion on important topics within medical education. The Medical Student bases his views on the results of this survey.

Based on the results, articles are written with points of view based on the opinion of medical students. These articles are published in, for example, Medical Contact, Arts in Spe and Perspectives on Medical Education. DG also regularly presents results at conferences. In this way, the opinion of medical students is clearly communicated to faculties, politics and the media. You can find the DG at the Career Fair of the KNMG and the conference of the Dutch Association for Medical Education, for example.

Board and organization  

There are two medical students from each medical faculty on the board of The Medicine Student. In total, the general board consists of sixteen members, eight of whom are representatives and eight portfolio holders. The representatives identify developments and problems at the faculties, express the views of the students and communicate the views of The Medical Student back to the faculty. The portfolio holders deal with matters that transcend faculties, such as internship compensation, waiting times and the Dedicated Transition Year. The student platform also has a daily board, consisting of the chairman, internal commissioner and external commissioner.



IFMSA-NL is an (inter)national organization of medical students. We contribute to public health by organizing exchange programs and a wide range of projects.



The National Medical Student Consultation (LMSO) and the Stichting Landelijk Overleg Co-Assistenten (LOCA) have recently merged into one large new  organisation: the Interfaculty Medical Student Consultation (IMS).   The IMS  ensures at the national level  that there is a lot of communication between the faculties regarding medical education at both bachelor and master level. Many shortcomings in all phases of the study are at a national level. That is why a cross-faculty approach is necessary  to ensure that major problems can be tackled jointly if necessary. The day-to-day management consists of:  seven members.
More information you can (still)  find at:

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