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IFMSA is an international organization that provides a platform for medically oriented students and unites them in local, national and international initiatives that impact society, stimulate personal growth and contribute to various aspects of global health. 


We are Uyen and Tiberiu and we are this year's internal Vice-Chairmen of IFMSA-Groningen. This means that we manage, support and monitor all committees, members and projects within the organization. In addition, we are the point of contact for our members and since they largely consist of international students, we will also represent them at Promed. 


IFMSA committees that are discussed at Promed are in particular:

  • Standing Committee On Medical Education: thinks about the medical curriculum and organizes supplementary projects such as sign language, practical skills and language buddies.

  • Green Office Ambassadors: committed to making the medical faculty more sustainable and draws attention to sustainability and climate change.

  • Twinning Project and Standing Committee on Research and Clinical Exchanges: organize exchanges for medical students with other countries, where those of SCORCE are clinic or research related.


In addition, we are also very concerned with topics such as refugee care and humanitarian crises, diversity and inclusivity and healthy aging in the context of public health.

For more information about our organization and projects, please refer to the button below!

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